Monday, 14 September 2009


JOB TITLE animator

1. Description of what someone with this job title is generally involved in (where appropriate you should collect a typical job description
An animator is an artist who creates multiple images called frames and Key frames that form an illusion of movement called animation when rapidly displayed. Animators can work in a variety of fields including film, television, video games, and the internet. Usually, an animation piece requires the collaboration of several animators. The methods of creating the images or frames for an animation piece depend on the animators' artistic styles and their field.

2. Description of where in the development and production process a person with each of these job tiles is usually most involved

In a typical day, animators may draw storyboards and create models of their characters, backgrounds (sets) and objects that belong in the set. Animators create each frame of an ad, show or movie in which their animation appears, and they may even help write the story copy. They double check that their animation meets the script and soundtrack requirements. Animators also polish and prepare their animations for camera if the animations are for television or movies, or for the press if the animations are for print media.
3. Description how someone with this job title may have begun working in the industry and what qualifications he/she needed
Animators must have artistic ability. This includes both excellent drawing skills and a thorough understanding of composition. Animators must also have a flare for storytelling. They need a great sense of timing and pacing in order to make the characters they create believable and life-like.
Animators need extensive, up-to-date knowledge of animation software such as Flash, Maya and Lightware.
Animators, for the most part, do not work alone. They must be good at working with a team as well as with their clients. Because they work with people, animators must also have good listening, time management and reading comprehension skills.

4. Description of how someone with this job title can progress within the industry and what qualications may be required
Most jobs in animation require a bachelor's degree in fine arts, media or a related field. This can be obtained through a traditional college or a specialized animation school.
Educational programs for animation include classes in studio art, art history and composition techniques, as well as core subjects like English and math, if the program is part of a more traditional university.
Along with a degree, an animator seeking a job will need a strong portfolio of work.

5. Provided your sources of information

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